Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Bucket List

It's summer. Finally. That time of year where teachers get to do all the things they put on hold the rest of the year, because they were too busy with school stuff. Here's my "bucket list" for this summer:

1. Play with my daughter!

Isn't she adorable?! I have a ton of cool activities pinned on Pinterest just for her. Like this glitter bottle I made yesterday:

The original directions can be found here, although they didn't really work for me. My glitter is no longer settling to the bottom. Too much glue, maybe? I will continue playing around with it until I figure out the right amounts. This might be a good project to make for the classroom as well—especially for those kids that need a sensory break. Even though mine isn't working properly, my daughter doesn't seem to mind:

2. Crafty things. (Again with the pinning on Pinterest. It's like an addiction or something.) Here's my first creation:

Ahh. I love my husband! He deserves a medal for everything he's had to put up with this past year.

3. Relax and read some good books. First up on my list, Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn.

4. Blog! I plan on working on this blog as well as my photography blog.

5. Okay, I'll admit it...I am also planning on doing some prepping for next year. I just can't help myself. I am so excited to be at my new school with my new team! :)

6. Did I mention relax already? Yeah, that one is waaaay overdue.

Not a very long list (or a really, really long list if you look at my Pinterest boards!), but a satisfying one.

What's on your summer bucket list?


  1. Hi!

    Your blog design is adorable and so is your daughter ;-)

    I am now following you! I am also awarding you the One Lovely Blog Award! Come on over to my blog to grab your award!


    1. Thank you very much for the award! Your blog is lovely. Sorry to hear about your troubles lately. I hope you find out what grade you are teaching soon!

  2. I am definitely relaxing this summer! With all the crack downs on schools, its been one of the most rewarding summers so far! I'm also with you on reading for PLEASURE. How many teacher books have I already read this summer?! I feel like fiction stories for me always get pushed to the side as I am too busy.. and I LOVE READING! Definitely a goal of mine too!

    Reaching for the TOP!

    1. Yes! It seems like I read all kids' books during the school year or teacher stuff. I enjoy kid lit, but I also like to stretch my brain a little bit and read books for--gasp!--adults! :)

      Cute blog! Love the info on math workshop...we are moving to that next year. I am excited!
